Nursing Assistant Training Program » Program Requirements and Guidelines - Updated 07/08/24

Program Requirements and Guidelines - Updated 07/08/24

Students must be at least 16 years of age and have completed at least 8 years of grade school or provide proof of equivalent knowledge.

Academic Performance Levels of Program:

  • Mathematics:  The state certification exam is written at a 9th Grade - 6 Month level (calculators are not permitted).
  • Mathematics: The ability to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractional math is beneficial for students.
  • Reading/Writing:  The state certification exam is written at a 9th Grade - 6 Month level.  The textbook is written at a 7th - 9th grade reading level.
  • Science: Knowledge of Biology or anatomy is beneficial for students.
  • Students must be able to speak and understand the English language.

Professional Skills of Program:

Certified Nursing Assistant students are also expected to effectively display the following attributes:

  • Time Management
  • Personal Motivation
  • Problem-Solving Ability
  • Reliability/Dependability
  • Ability to Work with Others
  • Ability to Stay Organized
  • Accountability
  • Accepting of corrections/interventions
  • Flexibility
  • Regard for regulations
  • Empathy and compassion towards others

Students must successfully complete the clinical portion of the program to qualify for the state certification exam.


Students will need to maintain the following requirements to attend clinical:

  1. An overall grade average of 78% or above in the course
  2. 78% on each Module Exam
  3. Maintain the attendance and behavior policies of the program
  4. Provide the following results/documentation:
    • A current medical physical exam
    • Results of required TB screening
    • Results of a negative urine drug test
    • Proof of COVID vaccination if required by clinical site
    • Copy of a government issues photo ID
    • Copy of the student’s social security card of ITIN number


See below for details of each:


Physical Exam: Students will need a completed physical exam by their health care provider dated after January 1, 2024


Please note: Physical exams are only valid for one year. If a student’s Physical Exam expires while enrolled in the program, a new physical exam will be required.


This form needs to be given to the TCD instructor by Wednesday 9/4/2024.



TB Testing:


Students must have a 2 step TB skin test (or equivalent QuantiFERON Gold blood test) performed by their healthcare provider.


The 2 Step TB Skin Test

The 2-Step consists of two TB skin tests done a minimum of 7 days apart and maximum of 21 days apart.


The process to obtain a 2 step TB test will take up to 14 days, and 4 MD visits.


It is very important that the student plans to arrange their medical appointment dates prior to 9/4/2024 so their results are available. 


The QuantiFERON Gold Blood Test


The QuantiFERON Gold blood test gives a result in a timelier manner.


This blood test ONLY requires one visit to the lab to have a blood specimen drawn, and then results are sent to students. 


The 2-step TB skin test or QuantiFERON Gold blood test must be completed prior to Wednesday 9/4/2024.



Urine Drug Screen:


Students must have a 7 panel urine drug screen test completed and provide results to TCD in order to attend clinical.


The results MUST be submitted to TCD by Wednesday 9/4/2024.


A student can have this urine drug test ordered by their personal healthcare provider and complete it at a local lab.


If their healthcare provider is unable to order the drug screen, the student can follow the instructions on the TCD website to arrange their urine drug testing at Castle Branch.


A positive urine drug test will result in the student not being allowed to attend clinical.

This will result in no college credits or state certification exam also.



Proof of COVID vaccination:


Each student will need to provide documentation that they received the Covid Vaccine dose 1 and dose 2 if requested by the nursing facilities we use for clinical purposes.


In the Fall of 2023, this requirement was lifted by the nursing facilities. However, if COVID cases increase the facilities may reinstate this requirement to protect their residents from COVID exposure. 


Students who attend clinicals may also be tested for covid prior to entry into the nursing facility for clinicals.


COVID  testing was not required from January 2024 to present but if there is an increased in COVID cases, the facility can require testing again. Testing will be done by the nursing assistant instructor on the morning of clinical if required.



Criminal background Check:


Students must be entered into the Illinois Healthcare Worker Registry in order to attend clinical. Entry into the registry is also a requirement of IDPH.  


This requires a student to have a social security number and valid government issued picture ID.  Types of ID accepted are a Driver’s License, State ID or current passport. 


Students of TCD are under the age of 18, and IDPH does not require TCD students to have the fingerprinting or criminal background portions of the registry completed.


However, ALL students MUST be entered into the registry and therefore MUST have the required ID, Social Security and complete the data information sheet in class.  


Students must supply a photocopy of their social security card and government issued ID to TCD by Wednesday 8/28/2024



AHA BLS CPR Certification: Students must successfully complete an American Heart Association BLS – CPR certification course that will be taught as part of the NATP Program.


Other Supplies Required  for Clinical Days:


Wrist Watch:


Students will need a watch with a second hand.


Electronic, digital or apple watches are not allowed.

Shoes and Socks for clinical:


White socks and white leather shoes are required for the clinical experience and will be purchased by the student.


NO open back CROCs or foot vented CROCS are allowed.


Shoes must be closed toe and closed heeled.


Shoes must be waterproof and wipeable. No Canvas or Cloth materials are allowed.

Classroom Attendance Policy: 


To maximize the student’s learning experience, regular and consistent attendance is required. Students missing more than twelve (12) school days for the entire year, will be removed from the clinical portion of the class and will not be eligible for the state certification exam or college credits. They will be eligible for the high school credit portion only of the class, if  the class is successfully completed. 

Students who are absent on days when chapter tests, module exams, projects or the comprehensive final exam are given will be allowed to make up the missed assignment, ONLY if the there is a doctor’s note, funeral or court date notice. 


Documentation is due the day that a student returns to class.  


Documents will be verified. 


If documentation is not provided the student will receive a zero (0%) for any chapter test, module exam, project or final exam that was due on the day of the absence. 
All absences are to be called to TCD attendance office and to the student’s high school attendance office by a parent or guardian the morning of the absence.  


Clinical Attendance Policy: 


  • Clinical days are mandatory and limited.  
  • It is best for the student to NOT be absent on their clinical days. 
  • If a student must be absent from clinical due to illness or injury they MUST call Mrs. Bartels as soon as they know they will not be able to attend clinical.  


Students will be given a phone number to call when their clinical dates are appointed to them. 

When a student calls in sick for clinical they will be put on the “on call/make-up” list.  


If a clinical assignment becomes available the student  will be called to take that spot.  


There are NO guarantees that a clinical make up session will be available to accommodate a student’s absence. 

**Any student who is absent from a clinical day and doesn’t call Mrs. Bartels will be immediately dismissed from clinical and will be ineligible for the state certification exam and COD college credit.  


If a student is going to be late for clinical, they need to call Mrs. Bartels. 


The Clinical Experience is viewed as a professional commitment and requires a student attendance similar to holding a position of employment.  


Lab Participation Policy: 


Lab practice is a necessary component that helps prepare the students for their clinical experience. Skills will be learned and practiced in a simulated environment with demonstrations and guided practice.  


Skill testing will be performed at both TCD and in the clinical setting to assure skill mastery.  

Students must participate in all lab practices and show proficiency when tested to comply with IDPH, COD and TCD requirements. 

Any student unwilling to participate in classroom skills, lab skills and/or testing may be prevented from attending clinical experience. 

Students are eligible to take the state certification exam if they successfully complete the program and meet the IDPH certification criteria, including:  

  • Maintaining a grade of 78% or higher for each grading period (semesters 1 and 2) through the year
  • Passing all 21 required clinical competency skills
  • Maintaining consistent professional conduct in the classroom, at your home high school, and in the clinical setting
  • Strict adherence to program attendance requirements
  • Possessing a valid Social Security number
  • Meeting all requirements to attend the clinical experience by the set deadline. This includes a completed physical exam, 2 Step TB testing or serum QuantiFERON gold results, Photocopy of government issued ID (driver’s license, state ID or passport) and a negative urine drug screen. Please note some clinical sites may require proof of the COVID vaccine if there is a rise in COVID patients in their buildings.
  • Completing the minimum (40 hours) mandatory clinical hours.
  • Pass the final exam with a 78% or above score.
  • Maintaining a score of 78% or above on each module exam

Graded Assignments

The course will consist of the following assignments/assessments:

  • Chapter tests (representing each chapter in the textbook) will be given
  • Four (4) Module tests (each covering multiple chapters) will be given during this course.
  • One (1) comprehensive test (final exam) that will be given at the end of the program. 
  • Clinical performance evaluation (based on clinical evaluation by assigned instructors)
  • Chapter assignments including: vocabulary related to each chapter’s content, worksheets provided for each chapter and each nursing skill, and/or computer program assignments
  • Active participation of skills in the classroom, the laboratory and at the clinical site.

Gradebook Calculations:


  • Chapter quizzes account for 35% of the student’s overall grade.
  • Module tests (4) account for 25% of the student’s overall grade.
  • Chapter assignments account for 20% of the student’s overall grade.
  • Active participation in skills lab / clinical site performance account for 5% of the student’s overall grade.
  • Final exam will be 15% of overall grade. Students MUST score a 78% or above on this comprehensive exam.

Grading Policy:

  • Students must maintain a 78% or higher average, for each grading period throughout the year, to participate in clinical and remain eligible for clinical and state certification 
  • Students must maintain a score of 78% or above on each module exam to remain eligible for clinical, to earn college credits if requirements are met, and to qualify to take the state certification exam.
  • Students must pass the final exam with a 78% or higher to earn college credits (if college requirements are met) and to qualify to take the state certification exam. 


Grading Scale:

Students are held to 2 grading scales in this course. They earn a standard high school grade that will follow the TCD Grade Scale listed below. Students also earn a COD grade if they meet the requirements from COD. The COD grade is based on the COD Grade Scale listed below.




90-100% - A

93-100% - A

80-89% -  B

85-92% -  B

70-79% -  C

78-87% -  C

60-69% -  D

Less than 78% - F

Less than 60% - F



Clinical Grades:


The clinical grade is a PASS/FAIL grade. At each clinical session, the student will be evaluated on their ability to care for the resident in a responsible and ethical manner with regards to SAFETY, MEDICAL ASEPSIS, PATIENT/RESIDENT RIGHTS, CLINICAL AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS, and WORKPLACE SKILLS while applying knowledge of theory. This includes demonstrating the ability to organize and prioritize tasks, follow directions, and accept constructive criticism. If a student is unable to perform a state required clinical skill, that student will fail clinical and be ineligible for the state certification exam.

Retake Policy:


No retakes are allowed.

  • Under special circumstances (i.e. hospitalizations), the instructor in consultation with the TCD principal may determine that a student will be eligible for a retake.
  • A student will need to complete a remediation assignment prior to the retake that is given by their instructor.
Incomplete Grades:


An incomplete grade is generally not an option for this course. Only on rare occasions (i.e. serious illness with a doctor’s verification or other extreme emergencies) will the instructor in consultation with TCD’s principal take an incomplete into consideration.



Homework assignments will be determined by each individual instructor. Homework assignments are due on the date established by each instructor. Late work will incur a 50% reduction in points available for that assignment

  • These assignments are given to help a student prepare for chapter tests, module tests, the final exam and the state certification exam. 
  • We have seen many students choose not to do these assignments and in the end their overall grade suffers drastically which can result in no clinical or state certification.
Do not put yourself in an unfavorable status, simply complete the assignments given.