Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Standard Policies of Student Internet Usage
Students will be given guidance by their instructors on how to use the Internet for educational purposes aligned with the goals of TCD. Violation of any of the following Standard Policies of Student Internet Usage may result in the student being reported to his/her sending school for appropriate disciplinary action, limiting or revoking personal Internet use privileges, or removal from the TCD program. Please keep this Internet Acceptable Use Policy for future reference.
Appropriate Use
The use of the Internet at TCD is restricted to the support of any research for educational purposes directly involved in the execution of class assignments and is consistent with the educational goals of the school. Students will use computing and networking resources in an effective, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.
The school administrators and instructors work to create a secure environment for the use of the Internet. If a problem is discovered on the Internet, it is imperative that the problem be reported directly to the school administration or staff. Access to areas that have been posted as off-limits is forbidden. Any unauthorized use of files is prohibited.
Users are expected to show mutual respect for others at all times. A cooperative attitude will ensure everyone has equal privileges, privacy and protection from interference or harassment. Users will avoid excessive use of resources: for example, computers, printers, graphic devices, networks, and processor time. Students will respect the people responsible for overseeing the computers in the classroom and those responsible for administering the network and follow established procedures.
Student Publishing on the Internet
All efforts will be made to obtain written authorization from a parent/guardian prior to any TCD publication of any student work (text, audio, video, and picture) on the Internet. Although TCD staff will attempt to ensure that names, addresses, and/or other means of identification will not accompany student works published on the Internet, due to the vast and rapidly growing capabilities of computers, TCD cannot guarantee such information will remain private.
Internet Access and Electronic Mail Policy
No Expectation of Privacy
Students should be aware that they have no privacy interest and no reasonable expectation of privacy while using any TCD-provided access to the Internet, including the World Wide Web, and electronic mail (e-mail). In addition, students should have no expectation that any information transmitted or stored on TCD computers is or will remain private.
Monitoring and/or Searching Internet Use and/or Electronic Communications
In the course of their duties, system operators, board personnel, or other staff may monitor and/or search individual use of the Internet or review the contents of stored or transmitted data.
All products, information, and files created by a student using TCD technology (either hardware or software) are also subject to such monitoring and/ or searches. Such monitoring and/or searches may occur with or without cause.
A partial list of circumstances that could cause such a monitor or a search is:
Not used to transmit, receive, download, or otherwise produce or view obscene, pornographic, profane, sexually-oriented, or illegal material or messages.
Determining the presence of illegal material or unlicensed software.
Conduct illegal activities, engage in gambling, wagering, betting, or selling chances, or otherwise engage in any activity for personal gain or profit.
Responding to legal proceedings that call for the production of electronically stored evidence.
Responding to investigations of misconduct or wrongdoing.
Not used to purchase, selling goods/services, and/or soliciting services on the Internet and/or World Wide Web.
Any other circumstance in which monitoring and/or a search may expect to produce evidence of misconduct or wrongdoing.
Violation of Policy
Violation of this policy and/or any misuse of TCD technology may result in limiting or revoking personal Internet use privileges, including access to the World Wide Web and/or electronic mail, suspension/expulsion from school, and/or other appropriate disciplinary action for students.