Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration/Residential Wiring » Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration/Residential Wiring

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration/Residential Wiring

Our world is all about personal comfort—cool it off when it’s too hot, heat it up when it’s too cold. That’s why every home, school, and business relies on qualified HVACR technicians. Cool career, hot prospects!
If you like a variety of new challenges every day, explore the opportunities for technicians in HVACR. Skilled HVACR technicians are required for residential construction, industrial equipment service, and building management. Jobs are as varied as sheet metal fabricators/installers, service technicians, balancers, controls technician and welders to name a few.

What will my classes be like?

HVACR provides students with quality education and training that emphasizes physical skills, mental skills, communication skills, technical skills. Students will address a broad range of topics relevant to a challenging and constantly changing industry. The HVACR course content will prepare the students for entry level employment or allow them to continue their education in a post secondary program.


The topics below are among the essential skills for this program. This is not a comprehensive list of all available skills and goals, but given to show the scope of the curriculum. Changes may occur year to year based on industry input, change in focus, or other factors. Please contact the program instructor or coordinator for additional information.

  • Safety
  • Tools and Equipment
  • Fasteners
  • Electricity
  • Electrical Controls
  • Refrigeration Fundamentals
  • Gas Heat
  • Equipment Installation
  • Sheet Metal Fabrication
  • EPA 608 Testing Preparation

Employment Skills

  • Career assessment
  • Résumé & Portfolio Development
  • Application, interview, job search
Steve Cervenka
Gus Chaparro
Student Services Assistant: Christine Sassone